I’ve had enough guessing, enough speculation and enough supposition. I want someone – ANYONE – to bring me definitive proof of whether Elyakim, the author of Ronnu Shamayim, was a Karaite or Rabbanite. And I’m putting up a $500 bounty (or rather The Karaite Press is). We know with certainty that Ronnu Shamayim is probably the greatest Shavuot melody of all time. Now we need to know who wrote the poem.
Category Archives: Shavuot
$500 Bounty: Prove whether Ronnu Shamayim was written by a Karaite or Rabbanite
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Omer
I usually don’t express my Karaite state of mind publicly, but I am generally worried about the survival of the movement and its philosophy. As you can imagine, we have a massive demographic disadvantage, and despite the fact that the internet is the great equalizer, we are structurally behind our Rabbanite kin in terms of infrastructure and resources. This worry of mine isn’t “new”. I’ve had these same worries since I was in my teens.
Filed under Calendar, Counting of the Omer, Rotem Cohen, Shavuot
That Time I Walked out of a Rabbanite Congregation

A two thousand year-old debate triggered a Rabbi.
What started out as a beautiful Shabbat evening with community and discussion devolved quickly – and mostly privately. First the orthodox rabbi made a mistake. Then I made two. Then the rabbi intended to offend me. He failed, but it was clear that I was not welcome. And I walked out. That might have been a mistake as well.
Filed under Counting of the Omer, Shavuot
The Two Sundays of Shavuot: The 2018 Karaite Calendar Un-Crisis
“Sigh. Even when we’re right, we can’t even agree how to be right.” That was my initial reaction when confronted with the reality that this year well-meaning Karaites will be split regarding the date to celebrate Shavuot.
Since then, I realized that this is exactly what we need to unify the movement. Bear with me. . .
Filed under Nehemia Gordon, New Moon, Passover, Shavuot, Tomer Mangoubi
Biblical Prophecy (Almost) Fulfilled on Shavuot

The Karaite Jews of America gave these goodies away to attendees at this year’s Shavuot celebration.
For the past few months, the Karaite Jews of America has been busy planning its Shavuot extravaganza. This is the first time the KJA has done something like this; so no one knew quite what to expect.
With 87% of precincts reporting, we can say with certainty that the event was an unqualified success. It was so successful that something peculiar happened to suggest that the final redemption may be near.
Filed under Karaite Jews of America, Shavuot
The KJA’s Omer App is a Game Changer

The Karaite Jews of America wants to revolutionize the Karaite experience. This app is just one of its latest projects.
The Karaite Jews of America has brought a two-thousand-year-old debate to the center of the digital world. Over the past few weeks, the KJA has published – for free – its KJA Omer App (for both iPhone and Android), helping Jews count the omer in accordance with the biblical timing and the Karaite tradition. Today, I explain why the KJA’s app is far more important than the omer.
Filed under Mikdash Me'at, Shavuot, Technology
When I’m not Blogging: Karaite Projects Coming Down the Pike
I feel like I owe A Blue Thread’s readers an explanation. The number of views for A Blue Thread continues to exceed my expectations, even though I am not posting as regularly as I used to – let alone, as often as I would like.
I just received an email from someone encouraged me to “keep blogging.” So, let me tell you what I’m working on when I’m not blogging. And I promise to blog more regularly, when things slow down. Continue reading
Filed under Eli Shmuel, Mikdash Me'at, Shavuot