I’m Spartacus!

I had my chance. I’d waited my whole life for this moment. I just didn’t have the heart (or chutzpah) to seize it. So I get to live out my fantasy online.

When I was a kid, I remember watching Spartacus with my father. Spartacus was a former slave of the Romans and he led a revolt of multiple other former slaves. The Roman army eventually defeated the slave rebellion and sought for Spartacus to be handed over to the Romans. If Spartacus turned himself in (or the slaves handed him over), Spartacus would have been crucified and the rest of the slaves would have been allowed to live (albeit as slaves).

In the iconic scene, the Romans ask for Spartacus, and Spartacus, played by Kirk Douglas, stands up to reveal himself. But before he can state who he is, his fellow slave stands up with him and yells, “I’m Spartacus!” And then another slave does the same. Until all the slaves declare that they are Spartacus (Spartaci?). The Roman emperor then decides to crucify all the slaves. But the scene in the movie represents defiance in the face of oppression.

I’ve always wanted a moment to be able yell out “I’m Spartacus” at a pivotal moment in my life.



I had the pleasure of spending this last Shabbat in Pico-Robertson in Los Angeles for Shabbat Zachor. Shabbat Zachor is the Shabbat before passover in which some communities read the verses from Deuteronomy that command us to remember (“Zachor”) what Amalek did to us as we were leaving Egypt. (See Deuteronomy 25:17-19.)

In any event the, rabbi (whom I will not name) at the synagogue (which I will not name) gave a sermon about the importance of stamping out evil – defeating Amalek. Fine.

Then stuff got Rabbanite. The rabbi added that within each of us is a bit of Amalek. And that this personal Amalek also needs to be defeated. And he said, “This Amalek shows up when you question the Hachamim.” And he used the example of questioning whether it really is necessary to pre-cut toilet paper for use on Shabbat. My open-minded (and non-Karaite) friend, who brought me to the service, knew exactly what would be going through my mind. And we smirked at each other.

But this was my moment – I couldn’t have publicly affirmed my questioning of the Hachamim (both Karaite and Rabbanite) and used the “I’m Spartacus” line. I just didn’t want to get kicked out before eating the Cholent.

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