Category Archives: State of the Movement

What Karaite Jews *Must* Learn from Orthodox Jews

Agudath Israel of Baltimore

Agudath Israel of Baltimore

This past Sunday, I gave a talk on The Rise and Decline of the Karaite Movement to a group in Columbia, Maryland. Before that, I spent the weekend in Baltimore with an Orthodox Rabbi affiliated with Agudath Israel.

For those who do not know, Agudath Israel is about as Orthodox as it gets in the United States. Every conversation I had was filled with insight. I learned a lot more than religion; I saw first hand what Karaites must do to survive the next generation and beyond.

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Filed under Eli Shmuel, Karaite Rabbanite Relations, Moshe Firrouz, State of the Movement

The Decline of Central Authority

Three presidentsWhen I was in my early 20s, I was working for Alpha Epsilon Pi, whose aim is to develop leadership for the Jewish community. I was lamenting to a friend how my generation feels a bit distant from our elected leaders in Washington, D.C., and how I would completely change the State of the Union to be more in touch with the people.

I proposed letting Michael Buffer introduce the President, and having a half-time show of sorts before the response from the opposing political party. My friend told me it was a horrible idea because it would further erode any respect we have for our elected officials.

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Filed under Ortho-Curious, State of the Movement

The Karaite Jewish Renaissance in Israel (New Video)

Eli Shmuel crushes it in his talk about the future of Karaites in Israel.

Eli Shmuel crushes it in his talk about the future of Karaites in Israel.

On Sunday, February 23, 2014, Eli Shmuel gave a 15 minute talk to the Karaite Jews of America on the rejuvenation of the Karaite Jewish movement in Israel. It’s been just over a year since I pondered whether 2013 would be a Karaite tipping point and or whether Karaite Judaism would even survive another generation.

So let’s hear what Eli has to say about the issue . . .

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Filed under Eli Shmuel, State of the Movement, videos